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Maintaining Well-Being During Difficult Times: How to Cope and Thrive

Nov 27, 2023

Israel remains in a state of war. Naturally, this situation is causing a considerable amount of stress and unease for everyone in Israel. Experiencing feelings of fear, anger, and worry is entirely understandable in such tumultuous times.

It is challenging not to feel on edge when sirens blare and explosions echo in the distance. However, to navigate through these challenging circumstances, it is crucial for people to find healthy ways to work on their mental well-being.

Despite the heightened tensions, we must persevere with their lives. We will share some strategies that can assist in coping and maintaining a healthy outlook, even when faced with elevated stress levels.

Connect with Others to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

One effective way to manage stress and uncertainty is by leaning on your support system. When situations become tense, expressing your feelings to those close to you can be incredibly therapeutic. Having a heart-to-heart over a cup of coffee with a friend can make you both feel comforted.

Staying socially active is also important. Get together with neighbors and friends more frequently. Take turns hosting small gatherings just to check in and boost each other's spirits. Being part of a supportive and caring community provides a sense of solidarity, especially during time of heightened tension.

Engaging in religious or cultural practices offers comfort. In challenging times, individuals seek community and deeper meaning. Maintaining traditions provides Israelis with a sense of normalcy and control amid unstable periods. Connecting with others during tough times is truly at the core of being part of a resilient society.

In times of hardship, turning to Hashem can provide solace and strength. The power of prayer and seeking spiritual guidance can offer a sense of comfort and hope amidst challenging circumstances. Connecting with one's faith can be a source of resilience, helping individuals find inner peace and guidance. At Yad Ezra V'Shulamit, we recognize the importance of spiritual support alongside practical assistance. We encourage those we assist to find strength in their connection with Hashem as they navigate the complexities of displacement and uncertainty.

Take Care of Yourself With Good Habit

In times of heightened tension, it's common to overlook your own needs. However, prioritizing self-care is essential. Adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and regular physical activity may seem basic, but they significantly contribute to mental well-being.

A lack of sleep can notably impact stress levels. Avoid lying awake at night worrying when tensions rise. Instead, put away electronics early, and focus on relaxing activities before bedtime. A good night's rest can enhance your ability to navigate each day more effectively.

While staying informed is important, practicing self-care includes limiting news consumption. Checking updates multiple times a day can increase stress. Establish boundaries, and redirect your focus to hobbies or family when tensions are high.

Making self-care a priority significantly enhances overall manageability in challenging situations.

When Do You Need Professional Help?

Positive coping strategies can be highly effective, but it’s crucial to recognize when additional support may be necessary. While feeling stress is normal, experiencing intense or prolonged distress is not healthy. If negative emotions significantly impact your daily life or relationships, seeking professional help is advisable.
Some signs it's time to seek counseling include:

  • Difficulty sleeping or eating for many weeks
  • Inability to stop worrying
  • Feeling helpless and hopeless
  • Having thoughts about harming yourself

Talking to someone neutral can help process and identify healthier perspectives or outlets. Counseling is confidential and there's no shame in prioritizing your mental health, especially during extended difficult times.

Do You Want to Help?

At Yad Ezra V'Shulamit, we are helping evacuees in the Jerusalem hotels and surrounding areas. Our dedicated counselors are going the extra mile to support displaced families through enjoyable and engaging activities, and providing entertainment events.

In addition to distributing new toys and riding toys, we are keeping children involved with games and entertainment, while keeping an eye out for emotional distress and making professional referrals when necessary. Our services also extend to practical support such as laundry and basic needs.

Your contribution can make a significant impact as well. Whether you can spare an hour each week or wish to donate supplies, every little bit helps. Visit our website to learn more about our project.