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Isolated but Not Alone: How We Support IDF Lone Soldiers

Jul 24, 2023

Leaving everything behind to selflessly serve Israel, Lone Soldiers in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) dedicate their lives to a greater cause. New immigrants, hailing from diverse backgrounds, they all have one thing in common: they have no family in Israel to turn to.

While many IDF troops enjoy days off with their loved ones, approximately 7,000 lone soldiers face empty apartments and lonely holidays, lacking the support and care of a family. Their basic needs go unmet—no home-cooked meals, no clean laundry from mom—leaving them in a state of isolation. Yet, these brave individuals contribute so much to Israel, and the nation owes them a debt of gratitude for their unwavering dedication.

Difficulties of Loneliness and Isolation: Challenges of Serving Alone

When lone soldiers are on leave, they face a stark contrast to other IDF troops who joyfully reunite with their families. These brave individuals have nowhere to go and no one to rely on, making it a challenging period for them. Basic necessities such as food, laundry, and transportation, which are readily provided for by Israeli families, become a struggle for them.

Weekends and holidays prove to be particularly tough for lone soldiers. While their fellow recruits head home or celebrate with loved ones, they find themselves eating alone, highlighting the profound sense of loneliness they experience. It's a feeling of isolation that intensifies when everyone else has someone to spend time with, except them.

For immigrant lone soldiers, the challenges are even greater. On top of the isolation, they grapple with language barriers, financial hardships, and the absence of a family support system. Navigating through all of this without anyone to lean on can be incredibly overwhelming.

Imagine being a lone soldier who finally receives a weekend pass after months of intense training and military discipline. While it should be a welcome break, for lone soldiers, it often amplifies their sadness and loneliness. While other recruits can return home to relax with their families, lone soldiers have no one waiting for them. There are no home-cooked meals or familiar faces to welcome them back, adding to their sense of detachment.

Impact on Israeli Society: Defending a Nation, Bridging Communities

Presently, there are over 7,000 lone soldiers serving in essential roles within the IDF, contributing immensely to the well-being of Israel. As dedicated and motivated volunteers, their commitment helps fulfill critical needs within the country's defense forces.

Connecting Israel with the Global Jewish Community

Immigrant lone soldiers play a vital role in fostering an invaluable bridge that connects Israel with Jewish communities abroad. Through their service, they actively promote "Aliyah" by integrating into Israeli society after making the noble choice to enlist. Their presence brings a fresh global perspective and worldview that enriches and enhances Israeli society.

Selfless Sacrifice for Israel

Despite being far from home and family, these immigrants and volunteers selflessly dedicate their time and efforts to protect Israel. Their unwavering commitment speaks volumes about the resilience of both lone soldiers and the global Jewish community. They willingly sacrifice personal comforts, ensuring that all people in Israel can live in safety.

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit cares for Israel's Lone Soldiers

These dedicated lone soldiers, lacking family support in Israel, face challenges in their day-to-day lives.

We brighten up the lives of our lone soldiers on the front lines by preparing and sending them a 'care package' every month full of treats and goodies to put a smile on their faces.

Additionally, during major holidays like Rosh Hashanah and Passover, we send food vouchers for a local grocery store. We firmly believe that no one should have to spend such meaningful days alone. Our small gestures, like providing nutritious food, foster a sense of community connection, and can significantly uplift their spirits during the holiday seasons.