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How Lack of Proper Nutrition Affects a Baby’s Growth

Nov 13, 2022

Baby drinking a bottle
Baby drinking a bottle
No baby deserves to go hungry. No baby deserves to be malnourished. Yet, every day, babies worldwide are deprived of the proper nutrition they need to thrive. This has to stop! We need to do something about it!

In Israel, around ⅓ of children live under the poverty line, and many suffer from malnutrition due to their parent's financial struggles. It affects their physical health, cognitive skill, and emotional development.

Aryeh Lurie knows this all too well. He founded Yad Ezra V'Shulamit, an organization dedicated to helping families in need, after witnessing the devastating effects of malnutrition first-hand.

"A few years ago, I was approached by a mother with a colicky baby," he recalls. "Upon further investigation, I discovered she was watering down her baby's formula to make it last longer. The baby was malnourished and not receiving the proper nutrients."

This experience inspired Aryeh to take action and ensure that all babies have access to nutritious food. Today, Yad Ezra V'Shulamit provides baby formula, diapers, and other essential supplies to thousands of families in Israel every month.

How Lack of Nutrition Affects a Baby

When a baby doesn't get the nutrients they need, it can profoundly affect their physical and cognitive development. They may experience stunted growth and weak immune systems, leaving them susceptible to infection and recurring illness.

The World Health Organization (WHO) pins malnutrition as the primary death cause in children younger than five years old, accounting for nearly half (45%) of all child deaths."

Let's see how a lack of proper nutrition affects a child's development.

Physical Growth

There are many ways that malnutrition can affect a child's growth. It can cause them to be born small or underweight, leading to various health problems and possible death in their first year.

Lack of nutritious food can also lead to stunted growth. It slows a child's development, holding them up from reaching their full potential height. Growth inhibition is permanent and can permanently impact a child's health.

Brain Development

The brain is incredibly complex and requires a lot of nutrients to develop and function properly. When a child does not get enough of the proper nutrients, it can impact brain development in several ways.

Lack of iodine, iron, Vitamin A, protein, and other elements in their food can cause delays in cognitive development, behavioral problems, and even mental retardation.

Emotional State

Neurotransmitters are brain chemical compounds that influence our mood, heart rate, memory, and many other functions. Nutrients that help synthesize these chemical elements are Vitamin B6, choline, and folate. A lack of these essential elements in daily diet can ruin children's mental health.

Malnourished children may show aggression, irritability, anxiety, and depression symptoms. It can also lead to problems with focus and attention, besides affecting a child's ability to bond with others. Nutritional foods and art and animal therapy can help in this case.

Cognitive Skills

Furthermore, malnutrition can have lasting effects on a child's cognitive development. Oxford University researchers have shown that malnourished children struggle in school, including lower grades and test scores. They are also more likely to have lower IQs and to experience memory problems, including slow information processing.

Malnourished babies may have difficulty learning and retaining information. They may also struggle with motor skills and be behind their peers in development.

How You Can Help

It is heartbreaking to think of those babies who don't have access to a nutritious diet. But thanks to Yad Ezra V'Shulamit, more and more babies are getting the help they need. They also offer counseling and support to parents to help them overcome their struggles.
If you are interested in helping Yad Ezra V'Shulamit in their mission to end malnutrition among babies in Israel, please consider donating to the FEED A BABY Project. Your contribution will make a real difference in the lives of these babies and their families.