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Living as a Widow: The Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Sep 11, 2022

Boy crying on mothers shoulders
Boy crying on mothers shoulders
We cannot control everything in life; widowhood is one of them. It can leave us feeling lost, scared, and alone. But it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. It can be a time for personal growth since people are forced to fend for themselves and learn how to live without their partner. It's possible to overcome this difficult and painful time with the help of others.
We'll discuss some of the everyday struggles that poor widows face and advice on how to get through them.

The Challenges of Living as a Poor Widow

Loneliness is perhaps the biggest challenge for widows. They may feel like no one understands what they're going through and that everyone is too busy to reach out to them. It can make it difficult to cope with the sadness and grief of losing a loved one.
Another challenge for them is the little support system in place. Many people who have lost a spouse will struggle financially, making it difficult to get by. The struggle becomes double when they have children to raise alone.
Finally, widows often feel like they're alone in their sorrows. It can be difficult for them to talk about their loss when no support system is available. Containing all the grief inside can make it even harder to cope with the loss.

How Widows Can Overcome Their Struggles

Poverty often exacerbates feelings of loneliness and isolation, making life feel unbearable. Poor widows may also find it hard to get by on their own due to losing income and support from their spouses.
Many resources are available to help poor widows overcome these challenges. Here are some suggestions:

Getting involved in community activities or groups

Meeting other people fighting the same fight can be helpful and supportive.
Becoming a part of a support group or community organization may provide important networking opportunities and help improve morale.

Seeking out financial assistance

Many organizations offer financial assistance to impoverished widows, including charities, government programs, and private foundations.
There are often restrictions on how much money can be awarded, so it is crucial to qualify for the program before applying.

Getting professional counseling

Counseling may be an effective way to deal with feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Overcoming the grief over the loss of a spouse is not easy. But professionals can help widows develop a plan for coping with their new life situation.

Participating in family activities

A death in the family is devastating, but the only way to overcome the bad time is to stick together. Spending time with each other and occasional outings will help everyone heal better.

Seeking out support groups

There may be groups oriented towards helping poor widows transition from widowhood to independence. These groups may provide emotional support as well as practical advice.
Yad Ezra V'Shulamit is one such charity working relentlessly to help the impoverished widows in Israel. It distributes monthly food vouchers and weekly food baskets to widows and orphans. Also, it has a children's center where skilled volunteers help children with their studies, homework, and other activities. Such initiatives allow the widows to cope with the tragedy and gradually get their life back on track.