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Back-To-School Distribution

It’s back to school season, as children across Israel are gearing up for the start of the year. Yet, due to the substantial poverty rates in Israel, the cost of a school bag and supplies for struggling families is simply too much. Much like in previous years, Yad Ezra V’Shulamit this year is distributing thousands of school essentials to underprivileged kids.

While we provide food baskets that assist families in the short term, our organization’s foundation is dedicated to the long term goal of breaking the cycle of poverty. By providing these children with a proper school bag and supplies, it enables them to go to school and learn in a normal environment. Furthemore, Yad Ezra V’Shulamit gives these children a hot meal and helps them with their homework after school, which teaches them a valuable life lesson – to achieve, so their children won’t grow up in poverty. Please help us break this cycle today.

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