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Why Does Donating to a Charity Feel Good?

Apr 28, 2022

woman smiling
woman smiling
If you were asked to choose between a full belly at an all-you-can-eat buffet or the feeling you get after donating $150 to your favorite charity, which would you choose? If you picked the buffet, we don't blame you, but we're not so surprised if you answered the latter.

When your heart is bursting with empathy for people in need, it makes sense that the act of giving back would make you feel pretty good. But did you know there are science-backed reasons why helping others has so many positive effects on your mental and emotional well-being?

Here are five reasons why donating to a charity feels so good:

Giving makes you feel good

Research conducted by the Cleveland Clinic has found that giving activates regions in the brain associated with pleasure. It makes you feel joyous, but it also stimulates brain cells related to trust, social connection, and love.

Giving is a uniquely human trait and is one of the most beautiful ways we can celebrate our humanity. The more you give, the more you increase your chances of experiencing these feelings repeatedly.

You feel more connected to others

Giving to others means changing their lives for the better. That feeling of connection cannot be overstated. It is a powerful thing indeed to have the ability to lift someone in need.

And when you donate because you feel empathy for others, your feeling of connection grows stronger. This makes the act of giving all the more enjoyable and transforms you into a more empathetic and compassionate person. Also, you feel like you belong to a community and are part of something bigger.

Helps you find the meaning of life

By giving, we feel a sense of purpose and belief that our contributions matter to something bigger than ourselves.

That's important—if your goal is to have a meaningful life, networking and forming close relationships with others are essential. It's not only about being happy; it's about finding purpose in your life.

It makes you feel empowered

When you donate to a cause you believe in or volunteer your time to help someone in need, you're showing yourself (and others) that you can make an impact. Giving your time and money also makes you feel empowered—because you are making a difference! You're using your agency to act on what you care about. And this is the kind of power that can change the world for the better.

When we see what we are capable of doing and how we can change things for good, it helps us become more confident in ourselves.

It lightens your tax burden

Well, it doesn't connect to the spiritual level but brings us joy nonetheless. If you give to an IRS-approved charity, you can write off donations on your tax return. Donating your cash is a great way to reduce the amount of money you send off to Uncle Sam, and for a good cause, to boot.

It can motivate you to be more attentive to your finances, and anything that gets you to pay closer attention to your bank account is a good thing—especially when it helps those in need.